CAHNRS - Department of Entomology

Food & Environmental Quality Lab

Areas of Research

The FEQL is a state-mandated facility (since 1993) that provides oversight on coordinated USDA-US EPA dietary risk assessment studies under federal 40CFR Part 160 Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). As part of this research mission, the WSU-FEQL has completed well over seventy human and environmental regulatory science technical assessments with many having a direct impact on public health regulations at the state and national level (see Regulatory Science Reports)

As important to GLPS, we provide study direction, experimental system design, state of the art trace-level instrumentation (multiple GC/LC chromatographic detection and MS platforms) together with expert user capability to foster WSU undergraduate and graduate and collaborative research (See Publications and Collaborations)

  • Region-wide residential air monitoring program examining effectiveness of recent EPA soil fumigant label changes to reduce residential inhalation exposure from off-target soil  fumigants
  • Environmental decline and dietary risk studies of pesticides to control the invasive and economically destructive pest Drosophila suzukii (aka Spotted Wind Drosophila) in Pacific Northwest small fruits
  • Pacific Northwest pesticide in food assessments focusing  on international trade concerns
  • Regional trace-level assessments of insecticides (and their metabolites) implicated in bee hive health and colony collapse disorder (CCD)
  • Biological investigations of the honey bee parasite, Nosema ceranae, a potential culprit of the cause for CCD
  • Development of  assessment tools for specific biomarkers useful for monitoring chemical exposures to sensitive subpopulations in agricultural communities
  • Surface water chemical assessments to investigate neurobehavioral effects on endangered salmonid species
  • Characterization of bioactive animal/plant volatile emissions that may prove useful in enhancing conservation biological control in cropping systems

Student internships
Student Internships


J Santo Nosema ceranae research
Nosema ceranae research


Blueberry MRL research
Blueberry MRL study

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Food & Environmental Quality Lab, 2710 Crimson Way, Washington State University - Tricities, Richland WA 99354, 509-372-7464, Contact Us